Long ago, a ripple in the fabric of the universe created a wormhole, causing TINY SPIRITS to leak into the underground.
Ant Kingdoms rose from the depths of the earth to defeat the evil tiny spirits of the underworld. The spirits hold a godly energy that would bring prosperity to whoever could harness it.
The renowned ant Kingdoms of PERSIA, the SAMURAI, and the VIKINGS all seeking this POWER for themselves, battling one another along the way, send their Nobles on missions scouting for the seemingly evil tiny spirits to defeat them and bring their extraordinary abilities back to their colonies. A Noble that is able to achieve this arduous task gains the highly desired title of 'ELDER'. They not only get to keep a portion of the energy for themselves, they will forever be treated like royalty in their respective colonies.
Some Nobles, upon defeating a spirit and gathering their energy, recognized the true power of the Spirit energy and decided to never return to their respective Kingdom, keeping the energy for themselves. Nobles that stole the Spirit Energy were now called Sorcerers; dedicating their life to protecting the spirits from the ant Kingdoms.
Thousands of years later, a group of Tiny Scientists bring balance to the underground.